🏆The First Annual iChineseReader “zhōng wén yǒu bàn fǎ” Mini Video Contest📹
In anticipation of the incoming changes, we started to develop iChineseReader, the first comprehensive online leveled reading platform, to prepare students for the new learning paradigm. Encouraged by our successful endeavor in iChineseReader, we are now launching this Chinese mini video contest, “zhōng wén yǒu bàn fǎ” to provide Chinese learners and teachers with a platform attest excellent results under the learning paradigm.
Seeking questions: use topics that interests students to bring out the focus of inquiry, thus stimulating learning motivation;
Setup the hypothesis: use the student’s life experience and existing knowledge to assist students in conceiving answers;
Testing the hypothesis: testing whether the hypothesis is reasonable by means of experiments, questionnaires, observations, etc;
Leading to conclusions: Analyze and interpret experimental data, and combine the ideas of each part to summarize specific conclusions for the problem;
Migrating application: Apply the conclusions of the induction to other situations, leading to more inspiration and sharing.
Participants will be divided into five groups based on their grade level, K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Participants fill out the registration form online and must sign the “Video Release Authorization Form”.
Award List: TBA (May 31, 2019)
Award Prize: TBA (May 31, 2019)
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